Coping With Challenges of Being a Nigerian High School Teacher


Coping With Challenges of Being a Nigerian High School Teacher

Since you are reading this, I will presume that you, just like me, are having trouble finding meaning in a career that is as demanding as the one I have.

It is often believed that teaching is one of the most honorable professions in the whole world, second only to the field of medicine in terms of its importance.

This is due to the fact that a person's teachers have a significant influence on how they turn out in life. Teachers are given the responsibility of caring for students, and in addition to instructing them, they also shape the students in a variety of ways.

As a result, teachers don't simply play the job of educators; they also play the roles of parents, guidance counselors, role models, and mentors to the students in their classroom.

They are accountable for these pupils five days a week for a minimum of seven hours a day, making the function of a teacher a very important one since they guide children throughout their formative years. This makes the work of a teacher extremely important.

The arrival of September signals the start of a new academic year and the conclusion of an exciting and eventful summer vacation.

Even instructors have feelings of reluctance to return to the classroom at times, making students not the only ones who are not looking forward to the start of the new school year.

Even for instructors, the first week of school may be overwhelming with its ringing bells, unfamiliar faces, unruly pupils, and general disorganization.

This taxing profession may often have a bad impact on the teacher, both psychologically and physically, and a teacher may find for methods to blow off some steam in order to maintain their mental and physical health.

During a tough school session, a teacher might benefit from the following advice in terms of relaxing, discovering a newfound purpose, and energizing the mind and body.

A new you every new session:

The first step on our list of secrets to finding meaning in a difficult profession is for you to realize that there is nothing as cool as a new start. In order to make things easy for yourself, clear up your office desk and supply closet.

It's time to get rid of those broken pencils, dried-out markers, and old scraps of paper to create room for fresh supplies. A tidy environment is a powerful motivator.

If you take the time to get things organized, it will be simple to find the items you need without having to dig through a drawer full of rubbish, which will save you both time and effort.

A timetable to protect against disorder and whimsy in the following ways:

Get your act together! If you are having trouble finding a purpose in your demanding career, another important thing to remember is to be organized. Not their whole day or week should be itemized on a schedule, but just the most essential plans should be, and teachers should select how much time should be provided to each one.

Due to the significant amount of time that is spent together, they are able to significantly contribute to the development of a young person, which enables them to play an important part in society.

This should not just be a list of things that need to be done for work, but it should also contain plans for your private life, such as your family, extracurricular activities, and hobbies; these things should be among your priorities.

Taking this into consideration can make it easier for you to choose between having a massage, spending time with your family, and organizing activities for your pupils in the classroom.

A person who is hungry is more likely to get irritated; one approach to calm the body is to have a good meal.

Skipping meals may be taxing on the body, and a growling stomach is not exactly conducive to clear thinking.

By maintaining a healthy diet and drinking enough of water, a teacher may revitalize their body, which allows them to devote their attention to more pressing matters, such as instructing their pupils, without becoming weary and irritable.

If anything does not qualify as a YEAH!, then we must conclude that it is not: It may be challenging (especially if the task is being requested by a superior), but it is often in one's best interest to decline participation in activities that do not appear to pose a threat to one's safety, such as teaching an arts and crafts class or serving on the organizing committee for an event.

If a teacher chooses not to participate in these activities, then he or she does not have to worry about balancing their workload with these other activities, which may help reduce stress levels.

You may refuse the offer courteously and provide an honest explanation, such as the fact that you already have too much on your plate.

You are not an island:

You should try to give your kids as much responsibility as you can.

This would not only release you from the obligation of doing such activities, but it will also boost the morale of the students since they will feel a feeling of responsibility and duty.

You have the option of assigning students to work on group projects that need just little guidance from you.

Instead of doing things in a sequential order, kids will be able to learn from one another and share their discoveries with you if they work together.

This eases the burden on your shoulders, which in turn promotes the pupils' self-esteem and improves their ability to work together effectively.

Take a breath and recalibrate:

Keep in mind that you are an expert at your career and that you really like what you do.

Dealing with the different personalities of the students can be mentally draining, especially when combined with the need to make changes to existing lesson notes or create entirely new ones. Learning and remembering the new names and faces of the students at the beginning of the new school year may seem like an impossible task.

However, keep in mind that after a few of weeks, you will be completely caught up, and the connections between students and teachers will flow smoothly. So try not to worry out about nothing, and just accept things as they come each day.

There is no better way to find meaning in a difficult profession than to have a mantra that reminds you why you selected and love your job. These recommendations are vital, but having a mantra that reminds you why you picked and love your job is even more crucial.

You may take it a step further by writing it down and putting it on the wall behind your desk, but the most essential thing is to have it in your heart at all times.

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