How Technology and Innovation Can Improve Your Teaching Skills in Nigeria

How Technology and Innovation Can Improve Your Teaching Skills in Nigeria

A person who assists others in acquiring information, competencies, or values is referred to as a teacher. The vocation of teaching is critical to the human capital development of any nation and one must employ every means possible including modern technology to excel in this calling. You might have been wondering how technology can help you excel as a teacher in Nigeria.

You need to provide your students with an engaging learning environment if you want to have a successful career as a teacher. In order for students to provide their best performance, the setting in which they learn needs to be one that is pleasant, safe, and secure.

Students go through a lot of changes in their early years, both physically and mentally as well as emotionally and socially. Because of this, they need to feel secure and comfortable in any learning setting in order to perform to the best of their abilities.

Every student's educational life, behavior, and overall development are profoundly impacted by the influence of their teachers. Despite the fact that in today's highly competitive climate, it is a challenging challenge for a teacher to manage a classroom while also focusing their attention on each individual student. 

Self-assurance is the quality that a teacher needs to possess more than anything else. If you want to make a positive impact on your kids, you need to have faith in yourself. It is important to project an air of self-assurance in how you portray yourself to others. Classroom management is the process of ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly despite the disruptive behavior of students. Additionally, classroom management involves a wide range of procedures, from arranging  seat and taking attendance to providing individualized instructions for each student. Through the use of technology, all of this may also serve as a source of respite for a teacher.

The technology available now makes things simpler and more efficient. It assists instructors in controlling their classrooms in an extremely effective manner, which is another reason why educators should be aware that technology is their friend and not a substitute for them. Let's take a look at the significant functions that technology plays in assisting educators and aiding in the management of classrooms.


EDUFIRST.NG is an online platform that facilitates productive collaboration between instructors and students. It makes it more simpler for instructors to distribute homework to students and specify due dates, and it also supplies teachers with answers to students' concerns about the homework they have given them. This makes teaching and learning much more accessible. In addition, teachers may assess students' knowledge of important topics through quizzes and multiple-choice examinations.

In addition, the Edufirst.Ng platform provides relevant educational content with the goal of motivating and enlightening teachers and students on important aspects of education and technology for the purpose of improving student-teacher engagement and achieving quality teaching and learning outcomes.

Students may also find information on scholarship opportunities to pursue their education overseas.


The Android software known as Smart Teacher is designed to assist instructors in the organization and preparation of their lessons. A teacher is able to build a curriculum for their pupils, manage their report cards, evaluate their performance, and provide tailored instructions for them all with the help of Smart Teacher. 

With the help of this program, keeping track of and recording attendance is quite simple, which frees up a ton of time and work for instructors. As a result of the app's capability to record lessons and save them on a server, classrooms may also be turned into flipped learning environments.

These are a handful of the instruments that may assist instructors in maintaining order in the classroom. Teachers and other educators may benefit greatly from technology's ability to simplify and improve the performance of any given work. There is a wide variety of resources available to assist educators in creating the optimal learning atmosphere for their classes of pupils.


The majority of today's youngsters are first introduced to various forms of technology at a very early age. Students need to be proficient in digital literacy in order to be successful in the 21st century. The ability to work with various forms of technology and the internet will very certainly be necessary for pupils to have in the workforce of the future. 

Teachers are in a position to assist students in developing their digital literacy if they make use of Educational Technology in the classroom setting. Students instantly become more alert and involved in the material when they receive a taste of what technology can do for them in the classroom.

Students are fascinated by new technology, and using it in the classroom is a certain way to pique their interest in education. Teachers may make better use of technology in the classroom by incorporating it into their current lesson plans. This will not only increase student engagement but also reduce the amount of additional work that is required of the teachers.


These tests should be given a higher priority to educators. Students require a wider range of social and emotional abilities to thrive in life, such as metacognition, critical thinking, tenacity, and self-regulation, in addition to the academic information that they learn in school. 

This is something that is becoming more recognized. However, teachers in today's schools are expected to devote a significant portion of their time to the delivery of content, the administration of assessments, and the management of their classrooms. As a result, they have very little time to coach and direct their students in the development of these vital skills.

There are two different ways in which technology may assist in resolving this issue. To begin, the technological platforms themselves have the potential to foster the development of these skills. For instance, a student might receive motivational messages while working through a challenging set of math word problems, which would encourage the student to persist even as they are having difficulty. If you see any changes in your children, it is your responsibility as a teacher to encourage them to consult with the school counselor or have a discussion with their parents.

Second, the use of technology may free up time that was previously spent by instructors on administrative activities. This makes it possible for teachers to spend more time working with students to develop skills that are very important. As a teacher, developing a close relationship with your class is really beneficial.


In days gone by, educators would spend a significant amount of time, both after school and on weekends, at home, grading papers. The use of technology has eliminated one source of stress for educators. There is a plethora of software available within the realm of Educational Technology that may simplify the process of tracking student development and grading assignments, hence saving significant amounts of time. One of the advantages that technology provides to educators and parents is the ability to check students' grades online. The ability to grade students' work online makes the job of a teacher much simpler.

Because instructors are able to more effectively engage students digitally and provide them more opportunities to solve issues on their own, online grading also improves the efficiency of student-teacher cooperation. Students may use the schools' online grading or computer-based test systems to take mock exams as preparation for periodic public tests, which is another way that online grading can be used to promote independent study. In addition to this, it makes it easy for parents to keep track of how well their children are doing in school academically.


It is the job of educators to get pupils ready for the world of the 21st century, and one component of this preparation is familiarizing them with various forms of technology. It is common sense to increase the amount of educational technology used in the classroom since doing so improves both instruction and student comprehension. Students who are working below their grade level may utilize educational technology (EdTech) resources to help them catch up to their peers. 

Because educational information is freely accessible online, and because it is more up-to-date than with traditional print books, due to the internet, parents and schools no longer have to spend money on textbooks. In addition, there is no longer a need for educators to purchase their own workbooks. There is an abundance of free resources available online that may assist educators in quickly developing lesson plans. 

Learning may be made more enjoyable with the help of EdTech. There is an abundance of educational content available in the form of games and applications that may get children enthused about learning and make education seem more like a fun than a burden.

In conclusion, kids are the most essential component of any classroom, and if parents were given the option of providing their children with either an excellent teacher or the most cutting-edge educational technology in the world, the vast majority of them would choose the teacher every time. To our great fortune, we do not have to make a decision between educators and modern tools. 

The most effective use of technology is when it enables instructors and students to develop learning experiences that are individualized, resource-oriented, entertaining, and creative. Since of this, we must take care to regard it not as an aim in and of itself, but rather as a means to achieve this other goal, because the two goals truly complement one another.

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