How Tech Can Help Nigerian Kids with ADHD


How Tech Can Help Nigerian Kids with ADHD


Do you believe that TECHNOLOGY can help with the treatment of ADHD in any way?

ADHD is attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and impairs the ability of a child to stay focused on a single task till conclusion or pay sustained attention to an activity or class.

Uninformed parents or teachers might unfairly accuse the pupils of being stubborn or even dumb.

The capacity of a kid to pay attention to the activities, instructors, and expectations of the classroom with the least amount of distraction possible is frequently crucial to the child's academic achievement. A youngster with such competence is able to obtain the essential knowledge, complete tasks, and engage in classroom activities as well as classroom discussions.

It appears that the prevalence of ADHD in youngsters has increased throughout the years. If a kid displays behaviors that are consistent with ADHD, there is a possibility that he or she may have trouble concentrating in class and developing friendships with other children his or her age.

As children mature, they often exhibit different manifestations of ADHD-related behaviors. For instance, a preschooler may exhibit gross motor overactivity by constantly running or climbing and switching from one activity to another regularly. Children of this age range are more likely to be antsy and fidget in their seats or play with their desks and chairs. They usually do not complete their coursework, and when they do, it is done in a casual manner.

It is possible for adolescents who have ADHD to become more reclusive and less talkative, or they may become more overtly combative. They often behave without thinking, responding to situations as they arise without taking their past experiences into account.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV), states that the behaviors that are shown may be used to diagnose ADHD. Individuals who suffer from ADHD are characterized by displaying a mix of the following behaviors:

  1. They are wriggling in their seats, either with their hands or their feet, or both (adolescents with ADHD may appear restless)
  2. Difficulty sitting for the needed amount of time while seated.
  3. Having trouble maintaining focus and patiently waiting for one's time in activities, games, or other group settings
  4. The practice of providing responses to inquiries before such questions have been finished being asked
  5. Difficulty in carrying out instructions and in organizing responsibilities and activities
  6. Transitioning from one action that is not quite complete to another
  7. Failure to pay great attention to the details and an attempt to avoid making thoughtless errors
  8. The risk of losing materials that are important for completing tasks or activities
  9. Difficulty in paying attention to what other people are saying without becoming distracted or speaking up yourself.
  10. Wide fluctuations in mood swings
  11. Extreme difficulty in putting off satisfaction for longer.

It has been shown that anywhere between a quarter and a third of all children diagnosed with ADHD also struggle academically. Furthermore, these children are substantially more likely to have a secondary mental health condition than other children. According to studies, the rate of conduct or oppositional defiant disorders ranged from 42 to 93 percent, and the rate of anxiety or mood disorders ranged from 13 to 51 percent. Children who are between the ages of 6 and 13 and have an emotional disturbance and are receiving special education are more likely to have ADHD. It is estimated that 28 percent of children who have learning impairments also have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

If a youngster with ADHD is given regular positive reinforcement or is subjected to a great deal of severe supervision, the child may be able to concentrate.

HOW the Use of Technology Can Help Improve ADHD

The use of ICT technology is beneficial for all students, but those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in particular. This is because the technology makes education more visually appealing and enables students to actively engage. When used correctly, mobile devices and applications have the potential to help battle challenges with attention and assist students in remaining involved in their work. These kids are able to remain in class for longer lengths of time because, for example, interactive whiteboards provide a variety of visual stimuli, such as the use of color, to assist in the highlighting of important topics.

Tools that teach essential skills are beneficial to students of all ages, even the younger ones. The mobile applications Starfall, Cool Math, ABC Mouse, Brain Pop, and Fun Brain are some examples of those that have garnered great ratings.

Apps that assist with studying are helpful for pupils at a higher grade level. The Chemical Touch, World Atlas, Graphing Calculator, and AccelaStudy are just few of the many options available for learning a foreign language. Gantt Charts for planning out assignments may assist students organize, sequence and schedule homework assignments as well as develop visual learning review aids for test preparation The use of digital tools may assist students in remaining on track, improving their level of attention, creating a greater level of production, and reminding them to hand in their work.

Students with ADD and ADHD typically struggle with time management. How can tech tools assist them handle these issues?

Electronic timers and alerts may help students remain on track and pace themselves through their tasks.

EASY AS THIS CONCENTRATION is a stopwatch that lets pupils assess how much time they’re spending in focused vs unfocused activities. Students play activities to help them enhance focus and time on task.

ATTENTION Control tries to assist enhance attention via brain-focusing exercise. There is an app, produced by neuroscientists and psychologists, is meant to assist educate pupils how to filter out distractions and focus for extended periods of time.

STUDIOUS can aid older students with scheduling. Younger kids may utilize Choice works. This software is meant to educate young learners how to build timetables. It offers templates kids may use to construct visual timetables.

Students with ADHD reported considerably less frequent usage of computers for practically all educational activities compared with students with physical limitations and students from the general population. Students with ADHD indicated poor satisfaction with computer usage in school.

In addition, kids with ADHD indicated a desire to use computers more frequently and for more activities in school compared with students with physical limitations.

What should parents and educators care for when providing children with ADD and ADHD a smartphone or an app?

The use of digital tools may assist students in remaining on track, improving their level of attention, creating a greater level of production, and reminding them to hand in their work.

Monitor kids to verify they arena simply acting engaged but are genuinely focusing and learning with the app or gadget. There is always the potential that pupils are utilizing their gadgets for non-learning related activities. Students’ grades should increase but if the contrary happens, be prepared to make modifications to their technology usage.

Also, make sure the gadget does not become a hindrance. Students still need to receive directions from instructors, interact with their studies and accomplish academic abilities using the conventional paper-and-pencil technique. If pupils can only correctly accomplish educational tasks via technology then the transmission of information from the technological device or app may not be there. These findings imply that occupational therapists should concentrate greater attention on how to assist kids with ADHD to utilize computers in instructional activities in school.

Final Words

Parents should not assume their kid is just extremely cheerful not knowing the child is diagnosed with ADHD and yes, you may take your child for a check-up at any children hospital for a test for ADHD simply to be sure and also for the protection of your child. Children are believed to be leaders of future, keeping them safe is important in helping them achieve their potentials.

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