Ways Cloud Computing is Improving Education in Nigeria

Ways Cloud Computing is Improving Education in Nigeria

Importance Of Cloud Computing To The Nigerian Educational System

In days gone by, if you wanted to use documents (such as electronic spreadsheets, documents written in Word, etc.) on different computers in a school, you had to save the files on a CD-ROM disk or a thumb drive. You were required to bring the drive around with you everywhere you went in order to access the data.

This is not the case any more in modern times. The use of cloud computing offers increased levels of security, dependability, and consistency to educational institutions of any size. How exactly is cloud computing transforming the way education is delivered in Nigeria? Is there an actual benefit to using cloud computing technology? In this article, we will answer these questions by discussing seven ways in which cloud computing in Nigeria is affecting educational practices.

1. Becoming paperless

In the early 1980s, F.W. Lancaster made the prediction that society would eventually become paperless. The world as it exists today is not there yet, and it will not be for a great deal of time yet. Within the realm of education, there are certain scenarios in which paper is the medium of choice. Paperbacks continue to be popular despite the widespread availability of electronic reading devices.

Going digital can be extremely beneficial in a much wider variety of contexts, which is why more and more businesses are making the switch. The benefits of utilizing cloud computing technology significantly outweigh any potential drawbacks.

As a result of digitizing resources, there is a reduction in the amount of money that would have been spent on the operation and upkeep of photocopiers. Access to the resources can now be gained more quickly and without difficulty by both students and teachers. The flow of work and the performance of students can both be tracked online using a variety of different analysis tools.

2. Working together as a team

The software that is used for cloud computing provides assistance for the support of student communication, the creation of portals for the management of teachers, and the power to collaborate and connect in remote virtual classrooms. Students in Nigeria have lighter backpacks and more flexibility because cloud computing enables them to instantly access and store materials related to their schoolwork on remote servers. This means that they can complete their assignments from virtually any location with an internet connection.

In addition, students do not physically need to be in the same location as their fellow classmates in order to work together on group projects. As a direct result of this, an increasing number of students are ditching their notebooks and binders in favor of iPads and laptops, and an increasing number of educators are turning to online platforms to assign and monitor homework.

Cloud computing is responsible for the implementation of these impacts. The collaboration process for faculty members has also been simplified. Through the use of cloud computing, school administrators and teachers are able to easily share lesson plans and collaborate on them regardless of location or time. Different educational institutions are able to overcome barriers that prevent them from working together by using messaging apps and other formats, which ultimately results in a larger educational community on a national scale.

3. Time Management

One of the most difficult challenges that both instructors and students face is making efficient use of their time. The use of cloud computing in Nigeria provides numerous solutions that free up more time for teachers to concentrate on lesson delivery. Since teachers and students are able to access the materials they need from any location, the time spent by teachers making copies can be reduced.

Because the cloud stores all of this information, educators will no longer have to deal with the stress that comes along with students' materials and assignments going missing. The process of collecting unfinished or late work from students who have been absent is also simplified by using the cloud.

Cloud storage allows educators to save their entire lesson plans and student assignments. From that location, they will be able to distribute them to other educators and administrators, who will then provide feedback on the materials. This makes it easier for teaching staff to switch plans from year to year and also simplifies the process of planning lessons from year to year.

If for some reason a teacher's laptop were to break, the information would still be stored in the cloud, so it would not be necessary to recreate it. Users of cloud computing technology have the freedom to perform their jobs from any location they choose.

4. Innovation

The use of cloud computing opens up doors for new possibilities to raise the bar for the quality of education received in schools. Teachers are able to connect their students to a variety of different programs and applications, which gives students the opportunity to demonstrate their mastery of standards in original and creative ways.

Students have the opportunity to demonstrate their academic and social knowledge through the use of a variety of technologies thanks to cloud computing. Both teachers and students now have the ability to modify assignments using the cloud in order to better cater to the individual requirements of each student.

The classrooms of the 21st century require increased adaptability in terms of both design and innovation. Cloud-based services make it easier to implement cutting-edge instructional strategies in the classroom, such as the blended or flipped classroom. A greater amount of face-to-face time can be spent with students at the school using either model, while students can use the cloud to access their lessons and assignments when they are at home. The use of cloud computing contributes to the development of educational spaces that are truly cutting-edge.

5. Safety and comfort

An experienced cloud provider will make consistent investments in the most up-to-date security technology. This is done not only to protect their customers from potential dangers, but also to help their customers better meet the regulatory requirements that are applicable to them.

The security of cloud computing is integrated into the overall design of cloud computing service providers across the world's data center regions. A multilayered security approach in the cloud provides the level of protection that is necessary for school systems.

6. Education Offsite or Online

Computing in the cloud enables greater flexibility in educational settings such as distance learning. No longer are physically attending classes a requirement for students who are either overly busy, non-traditional, or who live in remote locations. The use of cloud computing in Nigerian schools is bringing about a change in the educational system by providing students with the opportunity to broaden their horizons. Students who are not interested in participating in more conventional forms of education are given the opportunity to investigate the emerging field of online education.

Students who want to pursue their education via distance learning in another state will find this to their particular advantage. It is possible for education professionals who are interested in furthering their education to attend virtual classes rather than traditional ones held in a traditional classroom setting.

7. Scalability

Scalability, which addresses the issue of maximizing resources to meet demand, comes in last on this list, but it most certainly does not come in last place. The adoption of software for cloud computing has contributed to a reduction in the costs associated with an expanding student body. Your cloud computing system can expand along with you, regardless of the number of higher education institutions you oversee or the number of students you teach. Using cloud computing in Nigeria, schools are able to adjust the amount of resources they use to meet their specific needs, whether that be increased or decreased capacity.

The widespread adoption of cloud computing in Nigeria's educational system is a direct result of its many practical applications. The use of cloud computing makes it simpler for educational institutions, such as schools and universities, to provide students with the cutting-edge education they rightfully deserve.

The obligation placed on educational professionals to conduct in-depth research into the usefulness of cloud computing in the classroom is a significant one. The administrators of the schools in Nigeria should assess the current state of their institutions and figure out how cloud computing technologies can be implemented most effectively.

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