How to Help a Nigerian Child Do Well in Maths

How to Help a Nigerian Child Do Well in Maths

Research suggests that out of a total population of one hundred students, eighty-five percent have a strong aversion to solving mathematical problems. These students either rank mathematics as their least favorite subject or have a strong aversion to the instructors who teach the subject.

On a daily basis, we all engage in problem-solving activities. The ability to solve problems is not something that a person is born with; rather, it is a talent that is developed through time by experience and practice. Students who regularly practice solving math problems are more likely to acquire the analytical and critical thinking abilities necessary to become effective problem solvers. The following are some particular suggestions for how pupils might answer the math issue that they have been given.

Define the nature of the math exercise.

It may seem simple, but unskilled people who try to solve problems often have no idea what they are solving for or what the question is that they are trying to answer. Before attempting to solve a problem, the instructor should always make sure to remind pupils to read the question very carefully and check that they completely grasp it.

Determine the information that is involved.

Determine which pieces of information are provided and which pieces of information are lacking. Students are able to identify what information is necessary for them to know in order to find a solution to the issue with the aid of this.

Ask questions

Asking questions is a great approach for students to fill in the blanks, thus teachers should constantly encourage pupils to do so. The primary emphasis is on accumulating further evidence and honing the ability to make educated guesses that will contribute to the successful resolution of the issue. Have students consider how the extra knowledge will assist to revise original assumptions or hypotheses, and ask them to share their thoughts.

Explore Different possible solutions

Encourage students to think about the problem from a variety of angles and to articulate their reasoning aloud as they work through the answer. When students speak through a problem, the instructors are often able to comprehend the students' thinking processes and redirect as necessary when the students are able to solve their own problems and answer their own questions. Students should be encouraged to utilize any and all methods, such as drawing images, writing it down, using objects, etc., to generate ideas.

Determine the answer after evaluating the several probable approaches.

Instruct the pupils to review their responses and make sure that their solutions genuinely address the question that was asked. Verify the information in the response to ensure that it makes sense when placed in the framework of the initial inquiry.

Practice Constantly

Taking a methodical approach to finding solutions to problems is essential, but it is not enough on its own. Students' confidence and abilities will both increase as a result of their participation in activities that involve problem solving. Exercise your ability to solve a variety of various sorts of issues, and be sure to choose problems that are engaging, relevant, and fascinating to your pupils. The following is a list of resources that students may use to help them practice.

Celebrate Progress Made

Cindy Bryant emphasized the significance of both students and instructors keeping in mind that healthy competition is an essential component of the education process. Praise students for making an attempt and encourage them to gain knowledge from their errors so that kids may develop into experienced problem solvers, become more at ease with ambiguity, and know how to approach new challenges.

Because it is one of the most significant problems facing schools in the modern day, a teacher is required to collaborate closely with pupils in order to foster an authentic interest in the solution of mathematical problems. This is an important point to keep in mind.

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