What to Do While Waiting For Admission in a Nigerian University?

What to Do While Waiting For Admission in a Nigerian University?

What to Do While Waiting For Admission in a Nigerian University?

The majority of students are really not concerned about the rain, even as we go into the rainy season since their thoughts are more concentrated on other things. To be more specific, they are eager to know where they stand in the admittance lists for the year 2022.

They are curious as to whether or not their names will be included on the admittance list for this year, or if they should try their luck again next time. After all of the exams and tests, and most importantly, after completing six years of secondary school,  waiting for admission can be nerve-wracking, and it is only natural to be anxious to see if you have made it into a university.

You may make the most of the time while waiting for the admittance list, despite the fact that this is something that cannot be avoided.

After taking the UTME, the following are some suggestions that we have compiled to assist students in coping with the mental tension and the sense of being overpowered as they wait for the 2022 admission list.

You will read about hobbies like  working out and visiting family and friends on the list, both of which are useful in the long term despite the fact that some of the activities may not seem to have any connection to one another.

1. Keep fit

A healthy lifestyle should include regular physical activity as one of its cornerstones. Exercise is beneficial to both your physical fitness and your overall health. If you are not required to get up every morning for school, you will have a lot more time on your hands, and you should put that time to good use by engaging in some physical exercise.

The physical activity of exercising your body not only helps improve blood flow and the state of your heart, but it also helps increase brain function, which means that it makes you smarter. As a student, achieving that objective is a goal that is worth every drop of sweat.

2. Calm your nerves and don't worry

You should make every effort not to let the admittance list cause you any anxiety. Instead, you should occupy your time with activities that will not make you feel bored since, as the old adage goes, sloth is not healthy for the soul.

So make an effort to keep your composure during the whole of the time spent waiting. Despite the fact that you should have a positive outlook towards admittance, you shouldn't worry too much, and you shouldn't allow things that you can't control bring you down.

3. Make a strategy for your next step.

It is crucial to take some time to sit down and plan what you will be doing when you have been given admission since the admission list for the year 2022 is just around the corner.

You may start making plans for items you will need to purchase, but you shouldn't really buy those things until you are certain that you will be attending college. In addition to this, you may make a list of the things that need to be done or sorted out before you depart.

The lack of excitement that might normally be there may be eradicated via careful planning. In addition, attending a postsecondary school requires a significant amount of organizational forethought.

4. Get your mind in the right place.

You should be conscious of your impending departure for school and mentally prepare yourself for it as you anxiously wait for the admission list for the year 2022. The life you lead at university will be unlike anything you have ever encountered in a school setting.

You are going to be put to the test, you are going to have feelings of homesickness, and the level of difficulty in the coursework is going to be far higher than it was in secondary school, so yes, you are going to need to be psychologically prepared for this.

5. Make consistent use of the JAMB admissions site.

Even while you are attempting to prevent yourself from dwelling too much on the list of applicants for the class of 2021 by keeping busy and focusing on something else, you should not let this prevent you from engaging in activities that will increase the likelihood that you will be accepted.

You should check the JAMB admission site on a frequent basis to learn about your admission status, or you might go to the admission portal of the institution of your choosing to see if they have issued the list of students admitted for the class of 2022.

6. Read books

It's possible that now is the best moment for you to finally get around to reading those books you've been intending to get to for a long time. Since you have a lot of spare time on your hands, this is an excellent chance for you to read some well-known and respected tomes.

Reading will assist in keeping your brain active in preparation for when you are accepted into a school and when classes begin; it is similar to keeping your brain fit rather than your muscles.

There are tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of books from which you may choose. These include memoirs written by notable individuals, personal essays, fictitious tales, books on personal development, and a great deal more.

7. Spend time with your loved ones and old pals.

During your last year of secondary school, you must have been quite busy with taking several tests, such as JAMB, WAEC, and NECO, and you may have even missed out on some important family events because of this.

Before you go for college, this is your opportunity to regain all of the time you spent studying for and writing tests. Getting away from the constant stress of wondering when the admittance list will be released by paying a visit to your loved ones and friends may be a very helpful diversion.

In addition to that, you get the opportunity to spend quality time with some of the people you care about the most.

8. Cross something off your list of things to do before you die.

Are you the kind of person who enjoys taking risks? Is there anything you've been wanting to do that you might perhaps do with some friends? You have the opportunity once more right now. You may go on a hike, spend some time in a garden, ride a horse in the park, or do any number of other things.

There are many opportunities, and everyone has at least one thing they want to accomplish in their lifetime. If the goal is within your grasp, you may as well give it a go before you are required to return to class.

Find something you've been meaning to accomplish for a while and finally get around to it so you can check it off your list. While we wait for the 2022 admittance list, we can only hope that it will be entertaining.

9. Do some research on the University you applied to.

You will have the ability to choose both a first and second choice for the postsecondary institution that you want to attend via JAMB. This institution might be a university, polytechnic, college of education, or any number of other options. Make sure that you give the school that you have chosen as your school of choice some thought by doing some research on it.

You need to make an effort to learn about their regulations, the culture of the school, information on accommodations, the location, costs of things and where to acquire them, and other relevant details.

You will have an advantage when it is eventually time to attend university, and you will stay educated, which is a good thing to do since it is beneficial to be knowledgeable.

Do well to apply these tips to stay productive while waiting for admission in a Nigerian University.

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